The Village of Luckey, Ohio
226 Main Street, P.O. Box 384
Luckey, OH 43443
Telephone: (419) 833-8721
Fax: (419) 833-8701
Welcome to the Village of Luckey Municipal Offices
Village Fiscal Officer: Barb Rizzo, EA
226 Main St.
Luckey, OH 43443
Municipal Building Number: 419-833-8721 (Ext 304)
Barb Rizzo, EA -Cell Phone: 419-260-1658 (Text Available)
Email: clerk@luckeyohio.org
Village Clerk: Kim Woggerman
226 Main St.Luckey, OH 43443
Municipal Building Number: 419-833-8721 (Ext 304)
Kim Woggerman -Cell Phone: 419-833-8721
Email: clerk@luckeyohio.org
Barb Rizzo is the Village Fiscal Officer. The main office is located in the Village of Luckey, Municipal Building. Please contact her at 419-833-8721 or on her cell phone number which is 419-260-1658, texting welcomed. Barb maintains the Village of Luckey budget and fiscal operations and also assist with Council minutes and operations.
Kim Woggerman is the Village Clerk and her office hours vary but generally are Tuesday-Thursday from 10 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Please call Kim with any sewer or refuse questions at 419-833-8721.
Both Barb and Kim are here to help and assist the Village of Luckey residents, please email clerk@luckeyohio.org with any questions or concerns.
There is a drop box located in the front of the Municipal Building in where you can drop off the quarterly payments and tax estimates and returns that are due.
The quarterly statements are mailed out around the 15th of January, April, June, and October.
The quarterly payments are due the 15th of February, May, August, and November.
If you are purchasing or selling property in the Village of Luckey, please contact Barb or Kim to let them know so that we can make sure the correct person is receiving the billing statements for sewer and refuse.